Thursday, 11 October 2012

Burn The Fat <> 8 secrets of a flat tummy

If you want to put in a super-tight skinny get into the ultra-tight cocktail dress, start working on myself right now. You have to slightly revise their habits, to take the time to sports, and a little patience.

Only 8 boards and 8 days you will see the result. Sounds a bit provocative and "advertising", right? However, you will lose weight, or at least it will look much slimmer. If you keep all the rules.
1. Follow the food 
Want a flat stomach? Eliminate from your diet foods that can trigger bloating, as well as salinity, which retain water in the tissues, making you more volume. If you need to lose weight in the stomach area as soon as possible, forget the soft drinks (even mineral water), beans, cabbage. In addition, throw gum. In the process of chewing captured excess air, which literally puffs you up inside. In general, keep your mouth shut. What to eat? Low-fat protein foods and non-starchy vegetables.
2. Eliminate alcohol
Any alcoholic beverages - strong or not - it's extra calories, which will certainly postpone it around the waist. In addition, alcohol increases the blood levels of the hormone cortisol, known as the "stress hormone." That it does not allow to get rid of excess, in your opinion, the subcutaneous fat. You need more detail ? burn the fat feed the muscle

3. Detox-unloading

Eliminate from your diet canned food, salty foods, and fast food. Such foods contain a lot of salt, which retains moisture in the body. In addition to her "fast food" is impregnated preservatives, dyes and other chemicals that inhibit the metabolism and literally poison the body. The liver tends to get rid of toxins, having secured the body, where she really think of fat processing! Facilitated the task - start is the right foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins. And it's fresh fruit, vegetables and leafy greens.

4. Correct posture

Good posture can make you slimmer visually on a few pounds. Check it out - stand in front of a mirror, straighten shoulders lightly pull your stomach, lift your head up and chest. You see the result? In addition, the slight tension in the abdominal muscles during the day will be a good help in finding harmony stomach. In other words - do not forget to involve the stomach. And beautiful and useful. True, at first a little difficult, but then get used.

5. Wear corrective underwear

When you need to look perfect, and the time to diet and gym just do not, you, or rather, your figure, save corrective underwear. Choose it based on the problems that must be solved. Thus, corrective underwear can make the waist thinner, significantly tighten the stomach and reduce the hips. This secret weapon do not avoid even Hollywood stars.
6. Connect yoga
Yoga not only helps this ancient science stabilizes the inside, and it is known to be unstable in most women. Most helpful in this regard are considered two positions - "cat pose" and "cow pose." For example, corrects posture, develops flexibility. Cat Pose strengthens the abdominal muscles, and, both external and internal. In addition, it increases the flexibility of the spine, improving grace.

7. Do not forget the press
Yes, yes, and here is the lesson to the press. Without them, find a flat tummy will be many times more difficult. So, select for training abdominal muscles at least 15-20 minutes a day. With this, you can perform a set of exercises for all muscle groups at once, and you can break it down for the day. If possible, connect the active sports - cycling, roller skates or skate board.
8. Sweat! 
Any cardio load simply vital. Try to walk, climb stairs, escalators, and forget not just park your car near the entrance. Allow yourself to move more: along with then leave your body of harmful substances, which in the literal sense, and poison your life.
And by the way, go to the bath! This ancient spa treatment will get rid of swelling, improve skin tone and color, and will also make stomach flatter.